« Recent Trends in Consumers’ Needs and Expectations in Turkey » : workshop du 22 mars 2017

Une vingtaine de personnes ont assisté le 22 mars dernier à la Chambre, en turc le matin et en anglais l’après-midi, à un workshop sur la « les récentes tendances sur les attentes et besoins des consommateurs en Turquie », animé par Mme. Özlem Bora, Directrice Générale d’Ipsos Social Research Institute et M. Tonguç Çoban, Consultant et ancien Directeur Général d’Ipsos Turquie. Cette passionnante présentation a mis en lumière les différents panels des consommateurs en Turquie et permis aux participants de comprendre le fonctionnement du marché turc et de ses attentes en terme de consommation.

In a workshop organized on the 22nd of March, Ipsos, the leading market research company in Turkey, presented Turkish Consumers’ Needs and Expectations. In the light of various Ipsos survey results and insights; Managing Director of  Ipsos Social Research Institute, Özlem Bora and Consultant of this institute Tonguç Çoban, explained the main pillars of Turkish society, their expectations and their behaviours in difficult and unexpected times.

Ipsos was founded in 1975 in Paris and today has more than 16,000 employees in 88 countries. In Turkey, Ipsos has 450 employees and serves more than 200 clients as research and consultancy partner. Ipsos company structure is based on speacialisations which are; Marketing Ad Hoc Research, Consumer Panels and Retail Measurement, Communication and Media Research, Client and Employee Satisfaction Research, Qualitative Research, Healthcare Research and Social Research.

Today Turkey’s population is around 80 million and there 21 million households in the country. Its young population is a big advantage. If this population is educated well enough this can retun into a strong driver for development.

According to Ipsos’ Guide to Understand Turkey Research, The Middle Class comprises the 59% of the country and the society is mainly conservative. 85% of the population watch TV every day, 69% dines together with the family, 46% visits friends and relatives as a social activity, 39% goes to shopping mall at least 2 times a week.

According to Turkey Barometer Research conducted every 2 month by Ipsos,  people evaluate the current economic situation of Turkey as 24% as good, another 24% as bad and another 32% says there is no change in the current situation. When it comes to their personal economic situation; 36% says they are happy with their current economic situation, 37% says they are not, and 27% says they are neither happy or not with their economic situation.

According to Ipsos Consumer Panel and TUIK data, it seems that there is a weak relation between economic crisis and FMCG consumption. According to those data in crisis times;

-          - Low socio-economic groups are affected more

-          - Conventional channels are affected more

-          - Supermarkets, local chains and discount markets rise

-          - Discount markets/open or market label products are preffered

-          - Promotions / economical packages are more popular


You can follow Ipsos researches and evaluations from www.ipsos.com

For more information you can email to evren.doganc(@)ipsos.com


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